[130909] Kris’ weibo update! New post and fancy bio from TSTL

Our Kris just changed his weibo bio:


“煎蛋”般的人生ing is a play on “坚韧淡定” –>  “坚淡”.

He said “坚韧淡定” which means “tough and calm” during China Love Big Concert recording. “煎蛋” means “fried eggs” and sounds exactly like “坚淡” – jiāndàn. So what we have here is “FRIED EGGS – LIKE LIFE ” 67280105  which is actually “Living a tough and calm life”

He also made a new post:

@WYF-an 不是我 除了新浪这个我没有其他任何别的微博 哪有时间玩这么多微博啊 [汗]哈哈 大家转告下 晚安安安安安安安[月亮]
@WYF-an is not me, other than this Sina Weibo account I do not have any other accounts. How would I have time to use so many accounts[汗] Haha please spread this. Good niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight[月亮]
(Source: Kris’ weibo
Translated by CieL @ 901106.net)
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